Nutcracker New Years Adventures - Welcome to the world of a fairy tale, where two princesses are preparing for a series of winter holidays. Each of the princesses...
Jelly Run 2048 - Jelly Run 2048 is a challenging casual puzzle game that combines the classic 2048 number merging with exciting parkour gameplay....
Boss Hunter Run - Boss Hunter Run is an exciting parkour adventure game that blends battling, and high-speed running into one thrilling experience!...
Sprunki Clicker Master - Sprunki Clicker Master is an addictive online incremental game where players embark on a fun-filled adventure to collect...
Real Driving Simulator - Real Driving Simulator is a realistic driving simulation game that lets you fully enjoy the thrill of driving and racing!...
Violent shooter - Very fun casual shooting game. Use Sniper, Gatling, RPG, and your piggy buddies to defeat enemies, get treasure chests, and...
Basketball Life 3d - Ready for the wonderful basketball challenge? Basketball Life 3D is a fun and creative sports game that tests your skills...
MR RACER : Car Racing - MR RACER – Car Racing is a thrilling and challenging racing game that will excite you! Race at high speed with stunning... - Battle Royale is a thrilling multiplayer game where you fight to be the last character standing on a shrinking...
Zoo Feeder - Try to collect as much food as possible, to feed the cute but hungry animals in this awesome Zoo game!
Kobadoo Memory Cards is an engaging brain-training game that challenges you to memorize playing cards in the correct order.In each round, you’ll see a selection of cards, and then it’s up to you to find and click on them in the right sequence. With 31 levels of increasing difficulty, the game keeps you on your toes and sharpens your memory skills!By playing Kobadoo Memory Cards, you’re actively exercising your working memory. Numerous scientific studies suggest that training your working memory can enhance cognitive function and boost overall mental performance.Full version at
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